Error Information

Error: 1000

Error returned from dataserver during initialization. Error & 1000. The database connection is not open. The database configuration may be invalid.

App Version:

Call Stack: 27/07/2024 07:45:23[27923,31] WebApp.RunPage
--- trace --- 27/07/2024 07:45:23[27923,31] Initialize application
27/07/2024 07:45:23[27923,31] WebApp.InitApplication
--- trace --- 27/07/2024 07:45:23[27923,31] Check initialized
--- trace --- 27/07/2024 07:45:23[27923,31] Ask for data
--- trace --- 27/07/2024 07:45:23[27923,39] Error 1000, Error returned from dataserver during initialization. Error & 1000. The database connection is not open. The database configuration may be invalid.


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Owner Information:
Texcon Lda.
Av. do Forte, 3
2795-504 Carnaxide
United States

License Number: 694D6-FBEE0-2F375-891DD
Expiry Date: 3000-01-01